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34 Warships and 163 armed Merchant Vessels

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Q: How many boats were in the English Fleet at the Spanish Armada?
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How many boats took part in the armada?

the Spanish Armada had roughly 130 ships (no detail because i wanna be simple)

How many troops survived Spanish armada?

the spanish left with 130 boats and came back with 60 boats!

Why did the Spanish Armada use boats?

because they didn't have planes

What is another word used instead of Fleet for a lot of boats all together?

Armada or flotilla.

Why did the British ships defeat the Spanish armada?

The English navy defeated the Spanish Armada because their ships were smaller and lighter than Spain's heavy galleons. The English's navy darted around the Armada firing cannon after cannon until the Spanish finnally gave up and headed home. On their way home, however, a massive storm hit them and less than half of the fleet made it home alive.

How many boats did the Spanish have in the Spanish armada?

22 Spanish and Portugese Galleons and 108 armed merchard vessels

What boat did elizabeth1 stay in during Spanish armada?

She was in Enlgand and not on any of the boats

Fleet of ships?

An armada is typically an enormous gathering of boats, however, it tends to be any gathering of vessels like planes or vehicles that work as a unit. A maritime armada is the biggest arrangement of warships.

What is the link between the spanish armada and the introduction of slavery 100 years later?

There is absolutely no link, other then the fact that they both involved boats.

What do you call a group of boats?

A group of boats is a fleet.

What role did luck play in the spanish armada?

The weather was a part of luck. It destroyed a lot of the spanish ships around the Scottish border that they were forced to go around because of the strong winds, and because they had cut their anchors in panic from the fire boats English sent at them.

Which english ruler defeated the spanish armanda?

They brung Hell boats to seperate the other boats and Hell boats also looked like or were on fire.