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Q: How many bombs were carried in a B-29 bomber?
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What would win in a battle the b25 bomber or the b29 bomber?

It all depends on the pilot's instincts and control

What place was the US B29 bomber plane targeted in Hiroshima?

Enola gay.

What was the b29 bomber's nickname?

The plane was known as a B-29 Super fortress.

How were the atomic bombs used on japan?

they were dropped from b29 bombers

World War 2 bomber gay name?

Enola Gay, B29 Superfortress

How many people as on the Enola gay?

the B29 normally carried a 11/12 man crew

Which was th best bomber in World War 2?

Most powerful was the B29 Superfortress. For the axis powers, the Val dive bomber sank the most allied warships.

What types of planes droped the atomic bomb on Japan in ww2?

The two planes that were used to drop atomic bombs on Japan during World War II were B-29 Superfortresses.

What was the most powerful bomb in World War 2?

The Gotha G-1V. The British Handley-Page and Russian Sikorsky bombers were actually heavier than the Gotha series of bombers, but I believe that Germany still had the heaviest of the war; a gigantic bomber called the Staaken.

What was the name of the bomber aircraft that dropped the bomb on Nagasaki?

On August 9, a B29 bomber aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Six days later, Japan announced its surrender, ending their involvement in World War II.

How was the bomb transported?

The atomic bombs were transported by ship to the island the B29's would launch from and were unloaded into a pseudo warehouse to keep them safe.

Where was the B-29 superfortress airplane invented at?

The B29 Superfortress was a four engine bomber used during World War II. It was designed and built by the Boeing Company.