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3-the hammer,anvil and stirrup

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Q: How many bones conduct sound waves in ears?
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What are the waves of a stethoscope?

A stethoscope consists of two equal-length tubes of air, physicallyjoined, which conduct sound waves to the examiner's ears.

What waves reach our ears?

Sound (pressure) waves.

What do ears convert?

Sound waves.

What travels in waves and we use our ears to hear it?

Sound is something that travels in waves and we hear with our ears.

What waves reach our ears on playing guitar?

Sound waves (which are pressure waves).

Sound is a from of?

Waves and vibrations in the air, Picked up by little hairs in your ears that vibrate and reproduce the sound into a form your brain can interpret. (very short and bare bones answer but that is jist of it)

What sre sound waves?

Sound waves are longitudinal vibrations through matter that ears can pick up as sound.

How do we detect sound?

Normally, we detect sound by listening with our ears. As sound is waves, there are instruments that can detect and show the waves on a screen.

Are sound waves used when listening to music?

Everything you listen to is because of sound waves reaching the ears.

What help to amplify sound vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window?

The vibrations are amplified by the three tiny bones from your middle ear.

What happens when sound reaches your ears?

you can hear A very complicated process of turning waves into sound occurs in your ears

How the sound get to your ears?

Sound waves travel through the air and when it goes into your ear, the eardrum transforms the sounds into vibrations that go through the ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes bones) and then you hear stuff.