

How many bones do you have in jaws?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How many bones do you have in jaws?
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no they don't have bones

Do werewolves jaws could crush bones?

As they are so hard and sharp it is able to crush bones

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The Tasmanian devil has particularly strong jaws which are powerful enough tobute through bones.

How strong is a Liger's Claws and jaws?

Ligers are very strong mammals. Their jaws especially can easily chop threw bones. They are part lions and part tiger, and lions jaws are one of the strongest in the world

How many JAWS are there?

There are approximately 2 jaws in our mouth.

How strong are the wolf's jaws?

A hyena is one of the animals in the African savanna that have extremely powerful jaws. As scavengers, they have to live on scraps of meat and the carcasses of animals that were already fed on by other predators, which may include lions, leopards, et al. As such, by the time hyenas get to the remains, there is very little meat in their food. As a result, hyenas have developed extremely strong jaws that can break or crush bones, and a digestive system digest the marrow within the bones.

Are sharks jaws made of bones?

No. there is no bone in a sharks body. The sharks skeleton is made of cartilage.

Can a Rottweiler eat cooked pork rib bones?

Yes. If you know the bones wouldn't splinter in the dog's jaws, it's fine. Here's a list NO Chicken, turkey, and other poultry bones Rotties have strong jaws, but I have 2 huge dogs and they've eaten pork rib bones. Actually, my brother has a rottie and when he came over, she had a pork rib bone, and she was just fine.

Can dogs chew steal bones?

Technically, yes dogs can chew on steel bones. However, this is a very bad idea as it will damage their jaws and teeth badly.

Will an alligator feed on a turtle?

The alligator's jaws are designed for crushing bones, and do eat turtles that stray into their territory.

What came first jaws or 4 legs?

Jaws, by many millions of years.