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Q: How many bones does a Stegosaurus have?
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How many bones does a stegosaurus dinosaur have?

A Stegosaurus had lots of bones then a Human but had 450-750 bones depends how old the Stegosaurus is

Are stegosaurus back plates are attached with his bones?

Stegosaurus plates aren't attached to the skeleton. They are connected to the Stegosaurus via the skin.

How many stegosaurus's have been found?

The remains of about 80 different Stegosaurus have been discovered. They belong to four different species, Stegosaurus armatus, Stegosaurus stenops, Stegosaurus sulcatus, and Stegosaurus longispinus.

How many hours a day stegosuarus sleep?

Because Stegosaurus is extinct and there is no known way to determine sleep habits from the study of fossil bones, nobody knows. Many large herbivores today sleep only a few hours a day, and Stegosaurus may have been the same.

What fossil evidence is there that the t-rex ever existed?

Thousands of fossil bones of Stegosaurus have been found, most of them in the Morrison Formation in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. In 2006 they were discovered in Portugal. We have fossil bones from over 80 individual Stegosaurus. In addition, there are fossilized tracks that belong to Stegosaurus.

How many lengths was the stegosaurus?

There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long and weighed 5.5 tons. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.

What is the scientific name of a Stegosaurus?

There are four currently accepted species in the genus Stegosaurus. They are Stegosaurus armatus, Stegosaurus stenops, Stegosaurus sulcatus, and Stegosaurus longispinus.

How did a stegosaurus's bones appear on earth's surface?

Stegosaurus's bones were buried around 150 to 155 million years ago. Over time, they fossilized and were buried very deep. However, the processes that formed the Rocky Mountains eventually pushed those rocks up towards the surface. Then weathering and erosion eventually dug away the exposed rock above the Stegosaurus fossil. Eventually, the fossils were close enough to the surface to be discovered.

What is the color of stegosaurus?

Stegosaurus is only known from fossil bones, which don't preserve an animal's color. However, the blood vessels in its plates suggest that it may have been able to make the plates turn red by increasing blood flow to them.

What is the 1 favorite dinosaur?

Stegosaurus? Stegosaurus?

What was life expectancy of stegosaurus?

bhdfszKfgaksgdfl stegosaurus

How long was a stegosaurus you feet?

There were four different species of Stegosaurus. The largest was Stegosaurus armatus, which grew to be 30 feet long. Stegosaurus longispinus and Stegosaurus stenops both grew to be about 23 feet long.