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dont know becuase this website is bad

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Q: How many bones does sparrow have?
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Do sparrow's have hollow bones?

yes, sparrows have no bones

What will sparrow eat?

Many things will eat a sparrow - the obvious one is a sparrow hawk, but many other hawks will eat a sparrow. Cats and foxes will eat a sparrow if they can catch it.

What is the sparrow omnivores herbivores or carnivores animal?

They are vertibrates as thay have a backbone.

How many sparrow are left in the world?

There are many sparrow species, numbering in the billions.

How many pages does The Sanctuary Sparrow have?

The Sanctuary Sparrow has 192 pages.

How many pages does Song of the Sparrow have?

Song of the Sparrow has 416 pages.

How many syllables in the word sparrow?

Sparrow has 2 syllables. Spar - row.

Is a sparrow flying or flightless?

There are many different kinds of sparrow. All are flying birds.

Does a sparrow has more bones in its neck than a giraffe?

the sparrow has smaller but more and the giraffe has big and less

How many remaining number of sparrow?


Where could one get a sparrow tattoo?

It is possible to get a sparrow tattoo from many tattoo studios. It is not possible to be specific as there are many different companies and studios depending on your location.

How many souls are equal to jack sparrow?