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Ashlee Farrell

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Q: How many bones in whales flipper upper limb?
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Which limb has more bones?


What is the definition of flipper?

A broad flat limb used for swimming, as those of seals, sea turtles, whales, etc., The hand.

What is the general name for the arm But not the bones in it?

The upper limb.

How many bones are in a upper limb of a whale?


How many bones are in the upper limb not includeing the pectoral girdle?


What bone is the largest and longest of the upper limb bones?

The humerus.

What is the function of the upper limb?

The study of the dissected structures present in the upper limb

What is the total number of bones in the pectoral girdle and the upper limb of one side?


How many bones in the upper limb of a frog?

The upper arm of any mammal is made of one bone, the Humerus.

What are the number of bones in a frog upper limb?

there are 23 bones in the upper extremities

why are joints needed in the arm?

The bones of the arm and hand have the important jobs of supporting the upper limb and providing attachment points for the muscles that move the upper limb. These bones form joints that provide a wide range of motion and flexibility needed to manipulate objects deftly with the arm and hand.

Which one of the most frequently broken bones in the body transmits mechanical force from the upper limb to the trunk?

The clavicle.