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There are around 25 hamster species in all including wild hamsters like the European Hamster. Domesticated there are Syrians and dwarves. There are 4 types of dwarves kept as pets, Winter Whites, Campbells, Robovorski, and Chinese hamsters.

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Q: How many breeds of hamster are there?
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Is a dwarf hamster a boy?

No, a Dwarf Hamster refers to a group of different hamster breeds, and there are both males and females of these breeds kept as pets.

What are the breeds of hamsters in Hamsterz Life 2?

In the book at the store it says the breeds are: Golden Hamster Dwarf Hamster Cambell Hamster Roborovski Hamster ...And I think there is more. That's just what it says. Hope this helps! :)

What are the names of hamster breeds?

The most common hamster breeds are: syrian, campbell's, russian winter white, roborovski, chinese, angora and european.

The most common hamster is there?

The most common hamster is a Syrian hamster, but there are other less popular breeds such as Russian dwarfs and Chinese

How many different breeds of hamster are there?

There are for normal breeds and to unlockable breeds. I'm sure theres more different breeds but i haven't got that far into the game but theres got to be more. Normal Breeds: Dwarf, Golden, Cambell, Roborovski. Unlockable Breeds: Tiger, Raccoon.

Can syrain hamsters fit in drawf hamster cages?

oh no, no they can't they are one of the biggest of the hamster breeds.

What breeds of hamster can be bred with a teddy bear hamster?

With any type of hamster just like dogs can be mixed with different types of dogs

Does female hamster bleed after it breeds?

dont give one

Can a teddy bearand Chinese dwarf hamster live together?

It is better that they do not. All hamster breeds are territorial and may fight.

Can you put two different hamster breeds in one cage?

yes but its not reccommended

How do you unlock the tiger hamster in hamsterz life 2?

You have to keep talking to the shop keepers, eventually the first one, (the boss), will say hes going out, when you visit the shop there will be more stuff, and hopefully new breeds. There are two unlockable breeds. The tiger hamster (which everyone is talking about) and the Raccoon hamster (i wanted a new hamster and randomly found it in the shop)

Why are hamster's coats different colors?

because there are all kinds af different hamsterslike robo dwarf and many others.And because of different breeds.