

How many calories does a typical sub sandwich have?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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three colors,i think.

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Q: How many calories does a typical sub sandwich have?
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no there is not !

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A type of sub sandwich

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no are you crazy ?

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1425 calories

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400 cal

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Hoagie is another name for a submarine sandwich, as is sub, hero, and grinder. A hoagieis made of a long roll of Italian or French bread, split and filled with meats, cheese, vegetables, seasonings and sauces. There are many variations on the sandwich, with a great variety of fillings.

What are some example sentences using the word sub?

I had a sub sandwich for lunch.We had a sub in Algebra class.

What are some nouns that begin with the prefix sub?

substitute,sub sandwich, subbase

Is a sub sandwich a mixture?

Yes, it is a mixture

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Calories in a turkey sandwichThat depends on a lot of things. How big a sandwich? How much turkey? What kind of bread? And especially--what else are you putting on it besides turkey? Cheese? Avocado? Mayonnaise? Plenty of calories in those? Please feel free to ask the question again and include more details. Meanwhile, for the calories in turkey, or salad vegetables, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.