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10 hippos at a time

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Q: How many calves can a hippo give birth to?
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How many babies can an Asian elephant have?

Asian Elephants normally give birth to one calf at a time, but there can be twin calves. Elephants can give birth to about 7 calves in their lives.

How many eggs can a hippo have?

Hippo's don't lay eggs, they are mammals, they give birth, just like cows and other such creatures.

Is a hippo a mammal?

Yes the hippo is a mammal. It gives birth to live young, has mammary glands and hair.Yes ,because it give s birth to its babies,and nurses them with its own milk.

How many times does cow give birth to a calf?

This is a really odd question, because, logically, a cow only gives birth once to a calf. In her lifetime she will give birth to over 10 calves.

How many calves can a horses give birth to ay a time?

Zero. Horses give birth to FOALS, and will generally only have one. Twins happen rarely. Never heard of triplets.

How many calves does a mother killer whale have?

A female killer whale will give birth to one calf, every five years.

How many calves do red deer have?

Red deer usually have about 2-3 calves but twins are very rare.

How many calves does a bison cow give birth to per year?

Bison cows primarily give birth to one calf a year.

How many babies do moose have at one time?

Cows can have one or two calves at a time. Odd time she'll give birth to triplets.

How many moose babies are born?

Moose typically give birth to one calf at a time, though twins can occasionally occur. The calves are usually born in the spring, and they are able to walk and swim shortly after birth.

How many calf are born at one time?

Most cows will give birth to a single calf. However, twin calves are not uncommon. I do not believe it is physically possible for a cow to have triplets, though.

How many children do hippopotamus have?

In most cases hippo mothers give birth to only one young one. But twins are also known to be born but at a pretty rare ratio.