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That depends on the type of cow. A dairy cow is able to feed four at one time, whereas a beef cow will be only able to feed one calf at a time--two if she's a really good producer or has a significant amount of dairy influence in her.

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Q: How many calves will a cow feed at one time?
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How many calves can eat from one mother?

Usually one calf per cow. Occasionally one cow may have enough milk to feed two calves, but dairy nurse cows can have as many as four calves suckling from her.

How many calves are born at one time?

A cow can deliver one calf at a time.

How many calves can a cow produce in her lifetime?

A cow can have anywhere from one to 20 calves in her lifetime, depending on how productive she is and how long she is able to stay in the herd to produce those calves. On average, a cow will produce eight calves in her lifetime. Cows that are used for embryo transfer can produce up to twice as many calves in her life time than she can by her own doing. The record number of calves a cow has had in her lifetime is 39.

What is a nursing cow?

A nursing cow is a cow that is producing milk for her or a surrogate calf to feed from. Most producers define a nurse cow as a cow, particularly one of dairy heritage like a Jersey or Holstein, that produces milk to feed those calves that have been orphaned.

What is meat of young cow?

there are many animals that their young are called calves. there are camel calves, cow calves, and i think orca whale babies are called calves. not sure about the last one. =)

How many calves are usually born at the same time to a cow?

Always one. I've never heard of two calves being born at the same time; if there were twins, it's always one after the other, as the cow's pelvis is only wide enough to allow one calf through at a time.

How many calves will a cow have in ten years?

Since a mature cow is one that already has had a couple of calves already, and since they are only able to have one calf once a year (rarely twins), on average a mature cow will have 10 calves in 10 years.

How many children can a cow have?

None. Cows don't have children; they have calves.

How do you get foster cows to let jersey calves milking off them?

I have a 4 year old Guernsey Cow, over the course of this year she has raised 7 calves for me, 3 calves for 3 months, 2 calves for 4 months and 2 calves for 3 months, and now she's dry, two months before she calves in march. after putting your cow's head in a stanchion, and giving her something to munch on. you put her calf on a front quarter, with it's behind toward the cow so if she turns to sniff it, it's hers she smells, then take time don't get excited, and slowly bring in one of the calves you want to feed on the cow, after it's eating, you go get the other calf and bring it in and put it on the back quarter of the other side, and have someone stand between the cow's head and the calf. the calves should eat good for about 8 minutes, and the cow should be milked the rest of the way out to prevent mastitis. if you've got a good cow she should accept them with little Resistance.

Does the cow or bull determine twinning in calves?

The cow.

Does veal come only from bulls?

Veal does not come from any part of a cow. Veal is the meat from dairy bull calves that are not needed in dairy production and are sent either for slaughter or to be fed a special feed prior to slaughter.

How many calves could you expect from a heifer over breeding life?

A heifer becomes a cow after she has had her first calf. In other words, you can expect 0 (zero) calves from a heifer over breeding life. When she is a cow, she may have from 1 to 18 calves in her lifetime.