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Q: How many carbon dioxide are used to make 1 glucose?
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How many carbon dioxide molecules are to make a single glucose?


How many carbon dioxide molecules are needed to make a single glucose molecule apex?

6 carbon dioxides!

Photosynthesis requires many steps to make glucose?

Photosynthesis requires many steps to make glucose. The key ingredients for the steps to be accomplished are sunlight and carbon dioxide.

How many carbon dioxide molecules would need to be added to RuBP to make a single molecule of glucose?


how many glucose molecule can formed by 6 molecule of carbon dioxide?


How does carbon dioxide influence how plants produce glucose?

Carbon dioxide levels influence how many sugars(glucose) a plant can produce greatly. This is because 6 molecules of water and 6 molecules of carbon dioxide will release a sugar through series of reactions. So if you have many carbon dioxide molecules it makes it a lot easier for a plant or any other photoautotroph.

How can many carbon dioxide molecules are needed to make a single glucose molecule?

Six carbon dioxide molecules (CO2) are required to create one glucose molecule (C6H12O6) because carbon dioxide has one carbon per molecule, while glucose molecules have six carbons.

How many glucose molecules can be formed by 6 molecules of carbon dioxide A. 6?

1 molecule

How many bonds does carbon make with oxygen in carbon dioxide?

Carbon makes four bonds with oxygen in carbon dioxide.

How many molecules of carbon dioxide are used to make 1 molecule?

It takes one molecule of carbon dioxide to make one molecule of carbon dioxide.

How many molecules are needed to make a single glucose molecule?

None. You see, carbon dioxide, per say, is not used in the chemical formula for glusose, which is C6-H12-O6. It makes use of six carbon atoms and six oxygen atoms, but no carbon dioxide moleecules.

How many total carbon atoms are there in the reactants of respiration?

Glucose and oxygen producing carbon dioxide water and energy C6H12O6 + 6O2 -------> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy