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There are 6 clue cards in the first book of The 39 Clues series. Each card reveals an important clue or hint as part of the overarching mystery explored in the series.

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Q: How many cards are in the first book of The 39 Clues?
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What clues are available for the 39 clues?

It depends on how many missions and books are out and how many cards you have.

How many 39 Clues cards are there?


How many chapters are there in 39 clues book 1?

There are 17 chapters in the first book of the 39 Clues series, titled "The Maze of Bones." Each chapter corresponds to a different clue uncovered by the protagonists as they embark on their adventure.

How many cards comes in a 39 clues card pack?

there are 16 cards in each card pack

How many 39 Clues cards are there in series one?

6 or if you mean the whole thing it is 234 cards

How many pages are in book two of the 39 clues?

There are 174 pages in The 39 Clues Book Two, One False Note.

How many clues can you get a day on The 39 Clues website?

It is possible to get all of the 39 clues in a day, but you would have to add a whole lot of cards, but currently as of June 1st, only 37 clues are available.

How many pages is book 5 in The 39 Clues?

168 pages in the book

How many clues from The 39 Clues books are out there so far?

All 39 clues are available now. There is going to be another season starting April 2011. The first book will release in August 2011. My agent card code is P2FHHNDHXP

How many pages are in book 6 of the 39 clues?


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