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Q: How many career kills did Charles Dickenson have before facing Andrew Jackson?
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How many men did Charles Dickinson kill in duels?

There are conflicting numbers concerning Dickenson's dueling record. Some say it's over 20 kills but I found info on just the Jackson duel. Going into the duel, Dickenson was completely confident that he would be the victor, Jackson was equally confident in his own shooting ability. For those who bet a wager, Dickenson was the favorite to win. He was younger, faster and a more accurate shot. It seems Dickenson's luck ran out. Although Dickenson wounded Jackson, missing his heart by less than 1/2 inch, Jackson finished cocking his pistol and hit his opponent in the abdomin. Dickenson died shortly thereafter. What is known though, Jackson himself had dueled no less than a dozen times before his confrontation with Dickenson. He may not have been the fastest or even the most accurate, but he certainly seemed to be very lucky.

Who was Andrew Jacksons father?

Andrew Jackson, the president was named after his father who died before his birth His father had died two weeks before Andrew was born

Who was the President of the United States before Andrew Jackson?

John Quincy Adams was the president before Andrew Jackson

Was Andrew Jackson vice president before he was elected?

No, Andrew Jackson was a senator from Tennessee.

What college did Andrew Jackson attend before his presidency?

Andrew Jackson did not attend college, ever.

Were Andrew Jackson's parents alive when he became president?

Good question. Andrew Jackson's father, Andrew Jackson, died in 1767, a few months before Andrew was born. His mother died before his presidency, so in short, no.

What is Andrew Jackson favorite TV show?

If you mean President Andrew Jackson, he was long dead before TV was invented

Why did Andrew Jackson never meet his father?

Andrew Jackson never met his father because he had died before Jackson was born.

What job did Andrew Jackson had before coming president?

Andrew Jackson's last position before becoming U.S. President was U.S. Senator from Tennessee.

Did Andrew Jackson's father die?

Yes, he died before Andrew was born.

How did the generation that included Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson differ from the Founding Fathers?

The founding fathers were before Andrew Jackson.

Andrew Jackson's childhood?

Andrew Jackson was born without ever meeting hs father( died before birth), was orphane at 14, need more just wikipedia 'Andrew Jackson'