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You need to check with your local Department of Natural Resources for that information. This would be a good idea as in some state it's not recommended to keep/eat from some public waters.

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Q: How many catfish can you keep?
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How big does a channel catfish have to be to keep it?

12 in

How big does a catfish have to be to keep in Florida?

There are no size restriction for keeping saltwater catfish in Florida but be warned, they are not as good on the dinner table as freshwater catfish so I have been told.

Where does a father sea catfish keep the eggs of his young?

In his mouth.

Where does Father sea catfish keep the eggs of his young?

In his mouth.

How long can walking catfish stay above water?

the walkin catfish can live above water aslong as you KEEP it moist or it will die

Is a catfish recommended for an indoor aquarium?

There are a lot of different catfish that you can get for your home aquarium. Most of them stay small enough that they are easy to keep.

What fish can live with sucker fish and convict fish?

Its hard to keep any fish with Convict.Especially with a breeding pair of convicts.Maybe another species of armored catfish like many species of doradids or talking catfish as they are called.

Are catfish skin safe to keep on meat while cooking?


What is the scientific name for a Catfish?

There are many fish in the catfish family, but here is a list of selected common species; Blue catfish-Ictalurus Furcatatus, Channel catfish-Ictalurus Punctatus, White catfish-Ameiurus Catus, Flathead Catfish-Pylodictis Olivaris.

What is the ancestory of channel catfish?

Channel catfish have ancestry links from many river systems

How many tastebuds does a catfish have?

yes . catfish have over 1,00000 tast buds on their whiskers to help them smell and taste food.

Are there blue catfish in Michigan?

Yes. The blue catfish is found in many states, including Michigan.