

How many cats are there in sa?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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enough to fill your bottux enough to fill your bottux enough to fill your bottux

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15y ago
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Q: How many cats are there in sa?
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too many to count..

How many cats can fit in a van?

It depends on how big your cats and their carriers are, and how many people are in your van. If there are no people and the cats and carriers are small...that's alot of cats!

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How many cats are adopted?

7% of cats are adopted

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It depends on how many cats there are.

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7 cats

Are there house cats in the world?

Yes, many cats are house cats. You can count all adopted cats as house cats, since they belong to households.

Why are there no cats in Egypt?

Actually, there are so many cats in Egypt.