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Q: How many ceramic tiles are on the exterior of a space shuttle?
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Why is the exterior of the space shuttle covered with ceramic tiles?

CThey aren't just any ceramic tiles; they are made of a special synthetic material similiar to ceramic. Their purpose is to prevent the heat from reentering the earth's atmosphere from getting in the shuttle and basically melting the whole thing; kinda like insulation. The Columbia disaster in 2003 was cause by broken tiles.

Does ceramic tiles on the space shuttle reflect the heat or conduct it?

They block heat from entering the shuttle.

What color is a space shuttle?

Most of the space shuttle orbiters are white, covered by ceramic tiles and heat resistent blanketting. Areas which are subject the highest heating on reentry are covered with black tiles.

Why does the space shuttle need tiles?

The tiles on the space shuttle form a heat shield. The shuttle enters the Earth's atmosphere at high speed, which creates very high temperatures that would burn up the vehicle if it was not protected.

How the space shuttle tile is able to protect the shuttle?

The black tiles underneath the space shuttle are made of ceramics. Ceramics are already fired and thus able to withstand very high temperatures. The ceramic tiles do oxidize (which means material is lost) and are replaced between missions. The failure on Columbia was due to some of those ceramic tiles having fallen off during take off.

Why is there only tiles on the bottom of the space shuttle?

There are tiles on the entire space shuttle. Every square inch is covered in tiles. The nose, bottom and leading edges of the space shuttle have black tiles while the rest of the space shuttle has white tiles. The nose leading edges and the bottom of the shuttle are the portions of the shuttle that get the most friction/heat from the atmosphere during re-entry.

How many heat resistant tiles would fit on a space shuttle?

More than 20,000 tiles fit on a space shuttle.

What is the reason for coving the nose cone and why ceramic tiles were chosen?

I will make a wild guess and answer the question as if it is about the Space Shuttle. As the Space Shuttle returns to Earth is gets very hot during the reentry to atmosphere part. That means it is travelling further in 1 second than most people travel in their lifetime. moving that fast means making thousands of degrees of temperature on just a small part of the Shuttle. Ceramic tiles will not melt at those temperatures, the rest of the Shuttle certainly will

How many heat resistant tiles are there on a space shuttle?

There is 25,000 tiles on a space shuttle.Thanks

What is used to bond ceramic tiles on the shuttle?

Idont know, im not a rocket scientest.

What are two characteristics of the thermosphere that make it necessary for us to to use a space shuttle to get through it?

Thermosphere is the atmosphere's outermost layer with a very thin air and no definite outer limit. The reason why a space shuttle gets through it is because shuttle orbiters used ceramic tiles and heat protection.

What are the two characteristics of the thermosphere that makes it necessary for us to use a space shuttle to get through it?

Thermosphere is the atmosphere's outermost layer with a very thin air and no definite outer limit. The reason why a space shuttle gets through it is because shuttle orbiters used ceramic tiles and heat protection.