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There is no exact figure available for the number of children disowned by their parents every day, as it varies widely depending on individual circumstances and locations. Factors such as cultural norms, family dynamics, and economic conditions can influence disownment rates. It's important to provide support and resources to children facing such challenges.

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Q: How many children are disowned by their parents every day?
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Why can you disown your children and not your spose?

Good question. In the case of the spouse, you would have to get divorced. Edit by Megaquark: To "disown" someone implies ownership. For many years it was felt that men owned their wives and their children. Over the last hundred years it is less acceptable to think of a spouse as being "owned" so you can't really disown them. You just separate or divorce. Sadly, children are still somewhat considered "owned" by their parents. Parents own the actions of their children until they are adults because they are responsible for them, so many think of their children as property. However, this is wrong as well. A child is a person and cannot be owned. One who cannot be owned cannot be "disowned". A parent can choose to disassociate themselves from their children but this is just childish and uncaring. a parent who does this has anger issues and/or some wiring crossed. If you have been "disowned", don't sweat it. Give the parent some time to grow up and they will hopefully see the error in their ways. If they don't, it's not your problem, it is theirs.

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