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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average of approximately 87 children under the age of 5 die each year in the United States from drowning in bathtubs. This highlights the importance of constant adult supervision while children are bathing.

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Q: How many children die in the bathtub?
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Did jacobin die in his bathtub?

no he did not he died in his bed

How many gallons fill up a bathtub?

Depends on the bathtub.

Where can one purchase bathtub paint for children?

Large department stores such as Walmart and Target often carry bathtub paints and tub crayons for children in their toys and bath sections, but it is worth checking their websites when store inventory is lacking. Other online retailers such as Amazon also carry a variety of bathtub paints for children.

How many skinny people can fit in a bathtub?

depends on the size of the bathtub

Does Amazon sell toy boats for your children to play with in the bathtub?

Yes, amazon does sell toy boats for children to play in the bathtub ,or any type of water. speaking from experience buying toy boats as gifts to children, they really like them.

How did jim Morrison die from?

He had a heart attack while in the bathtub.

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She was in her bathtub she fell asleep and she drowd

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180 Children die every minuite.

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Runaway Bathtub - 2005 was released on: USA: 28 October 2005 (Chicago International Children's Film Festival)

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more then a million children die of cancer

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At a hotel when she was taking a bath and dies in the bathtub

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people say he died in the bathtub.