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Humans have 22 pairs of homologous non-sex chromosomes (called autosomes), and one pair of sex chromosomes, making a total of 46 chromosomes in a genetically normal human.

Each member of a pair is inherited from one of the two parents. In addition to the 22 pairs of homologous autosomes, female humans have a homologous pair of sex chromosomes (two Xs),
while males have an X and a Y chromosome.

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Riley Wolf

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46 chromosomes, or 23 homologous pairs.

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Q: How many chromosome do most human cells contain?
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How many pair of chromosomes do normal human cells contain?

Gametic [haploid] Cells are chromosome number n - which involves 23 individual chromosomes. Somatic [or diploid] Cells are chromosome number 2n - which involves 23 pairs of chromosomes. Mitotic Cells are 4n.

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How many sex cells chromosome does human have?

23 chromosomes

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Haploid cells contain one copy of each chromosome. This means they have half the number of chromosomes as diploid cells, which have two copies of each chromosome.

Do human cells have 46 genes?

No. The human cell has 23 chromosome pairs (total 46 chromosomes). Each chromosome has many genes.

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The number of genes varies from chromosome to chromosome and the number of chromosomes varies from species to species (from as few as 1 single chromosome per cell to as many 30,000 chromosome pairs per cell). Human cells have 23 chromosome pairs per cell.

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The human body has an approximate number of ten trillion cells.

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Since human body cells (like muscle cells) contain twice the amount of DNA present in human gamete cells, roughly 1.1 pg of DNA can be expected out of human gamete cells

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The human body is composed of billions of cells. Each organ in the body is comprised of thousands of tissues, each of which are formed by thousands of cells.

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