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There are 50 chromosomes in both male and female pineapple pollen grain.

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15y ago

There are 50 chromosomes in a pineapple. Isnt that alot?

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10y ago

There are 50 chromosomes in a female nucleus of a pineapple pollen grain.

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Related questions

How many chromosomes are there in the male nucleus in a pineapple pollen grain?

There are 50 chromosomes in both male and female pineapple pollen grain.

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How the nucleus from a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell

How nucleus from a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell?

How the nucleus from a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell

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How the nucleus form a pollen grain fertilizers a female egg cell?

by raping it

Does the pollen come from a male or female part of the flower?

The 'pistil' is a female part of a flower. However flowers usually have both male and female parts, it is unusual for a plant to be just male or female (although there are examples such as 'holly' and 'cannabis').

How the nucleus form a pollen grain fertilize a female egg cell?

they can by having sex with bugs on the pollen the flower is then able to unlese the power of its self

How many chromosomes would a pollen grain have to compare to an ovule?

Half of the individual cell of ovule except female gametophyte cells

What does a pollen grain and ovule each contain?

Pollen grains contain the male gametes required for sexual reproduction of a plant/ flower. These are haploid, and only contain half the full set of chromosomes; the other half is contributed by the female gamete (or ovule).A grain of pollen contains:a larger vegetative cell (also called the tube cell) inside of which is aa smaller germ cell (also called the generative cell).The pollen grain "germinates" on the stigma of the receptive flower and grows down the style, once it reaches the ovule the germ cell/ nucleus fuses with the nucleus of the ovule and an embryo is formed

How does the pollen tube nucleus function in fertilization?

The pollen tube nucleus directs the growth of the pollen tube down through the pistil to the ovary

Does pollen have a nucleus?

Yes, pollen grains have a nucleus. The nucleus contains the genetic information necessary for the pollen to fertilize a plant's ovule.

What is the fate of the tube nucleus in the pollen tube?

Tube nucleus generates after guiding the pollen tube into the embryo sac