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Q: How many chromosomes do you get from your father?
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There are 40 chromosomes in a house mouse how many chromosomes does it receive from its father?

It receives 20 chromosomes from each parent (20 from father)

How many of the chromosomes in a fertilized egg are from the father?

23 chromosomes in a human egg are from the father, and 23 are from the mother.

How many chromosomes come from the mother and father?

23 Chromosomes come from a father(sperm cell) and 23 from mother(egg)

How many cells can daughter cells have as a parent?

23 chromosomes with mother and 23 chromosomes with father pair 46 chromosomes

One set of chromosomes from the father?

Chromosomes from the father are called y chromosomes.

What is called chromosomes of a mother and father combined?

You are the result of combination of chromosomes of your mother and father. That is why you are so much beautiful. Half the chromosomes come from father and half the chromosomes come from the mother.

How many chromosomes were received from the father?

In humans, if everything goes right, 23.

How many chromosomes are in a human reporductive cell?

There are 46 chromosomes in a human cell, half come from your mother and half come from your father. However a person with down syndrome has 47 chromosomes.

How many sex chromosomes does your mother give to a normal baby........and father?

The mother and father both give a normal baby 23 chromosomes. This is because, a normal human has 46 chromosomes in all cells, except sex cells. So, a human receives half from the mother and half from the father thus 23 from each.

How many sex chromosomes are in a diploid cell?

the diploid number of chromosomes is the number of chromosomes that organism is haploid for times 2. It looks like this: 2n. Humans have 23 chromosomes each. So the mother has 23 chromosomes (this # is the haploid # of chromosomes for humans), plus the father who also has 23 chromosomes, is the diploid number of chromosomes, 46.

During reproduction humans get chromosomes from their mother and what chromosomes from their father?

During reproduction, humans get half their chromosomes from the mother and half from the father. The mother provides one of the x sex chromosomes, and the father may contribute an x or y sex chromosome.

What is the percent of chromosomes do you get from your mother?

You receive 50% of your chromosomes from your mother, and 50% from your father.