

How many claws does a hermit crab have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How many claws does a hermit crab have?
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Related questions

What does a blue clawed hermit crab look like?

It is a green hermit crab with blue claws.

How does hermit crab with no claws eat?

They can't. They will die

How does a hermit crab catch there food?

hermit crabs use their claws to grab food

What type of hermit crab is the one found in Hawaii and has white claws?

A Penis Crab.

What if claws and body of hermit crab fell apart is it dead or will its body parts grow back?

Yes, it will grow back.The body you see is actually a shell that the hermit crab sheds to grow. you can get all your hermit crab info on

Does a hermit crab bite or nip?

They don't bite they can pinch you with their claws though.

Do female hermit crabs have one claw and male hermit crab have two claws?

No, they both have two claws. One large one and one small one.

How does a hermit crab eat?

it picks the food up with its claws then puts it in its mouth and swallows

How does a hermit crab defend itself from other sea creatures?

It's pincers/ claws

How a hermit crab protects itself?

A long clawed hermit crab protects itself by hiding in it's protective shell or fighting back with its claws, or by putting its body in its hard shell.

What is special about the hermit crab?

They live in the abandoned shells of other creatures, and change them as they grow. The asymmetric size of the hermit crabs claws is remarkable.

What is the species of hermit crab?

there are many species of hermit crab which one do you mean?the common hermit crabs species is bernhardus