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There are 27 PERMUTATIONS, but not combinations. The combinations 113 is the same as 131 or 311 etc.

The ten different combinations are:

111, 222, 333,

112, 113, 122, 223, 133, 233,


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Q: How many combinations of 3 digits can be made from the numbers 1-3 I think 27 but not sure. e.g 111 112 121 211 122 212 221 222 223 232 322 233 323 332 333 331 313 133 311 131 etc?
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9,000 - all the numbers between 1,000 and 9,999 inclusive. * * * * * NO. Those are PERMUTATIONS, not COMBINATIONS. Also, the question specified 4 digit combinations using 4 digits. The above answer uses 10 digits. If you start with 4 digits, you can make only 1 combination.

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017, 071, 107, 170, 701, 710. 6 combinations

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5040, assuming none of the digits are the same. (Assuming they're not, there's 5040 unique combinations you can make out of 7 digits).