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2d ago

Carbon has 2 core electrons. Core electrons are the inner electrons of an atom that are not involved in chemical bonding.

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Q: How many core electrons does carbon have?
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How many core electron in C?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

How can the number of core electrons be detemined from the periodic table?

Take carbon as an example.Carbon, indicated by it's atomic number, has 6 electrons. The number at the top of carbon's group is the number of valance electrons. Carbon has 4 valance elections.6 total electrons - 4 valance electrons= 2 core electrons in carbon=====================(try another element yourself to see this process )

How many core electrons does germanium?

Germanium has 36 core electrons. Core electrons are the inner electrons that are not involved in chemical bonding.

How many core electrons are in Ion?

Oxygen has 6 core electrons.

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Tin has 46 core electrons.

How many core electrons does germanium have?

Germanium has 18 core electrons. Core electrons are the inner electrons of an atom that are not involved in chemical bonding.

How many core oxygen electrons?

Oxygen as 2 core electrons and 6 valence electrons.

How many core electrons does nitrogen have?

Nitrogen has 2 core electrons. Core electrons are those that are found in the inner energy levels and are not involved in chemical bonding.

How many core electrons are in oxygen ion?

Oxygen has 6 core electrons.

How many core electrons in a silicon?

Silicon has a total of 10 core electrons and 4 valence electrons.

How many electrons are there in carbon?

if its not an ion it has 6

How many core electrons are in bromine?

2,8,18,7... 28 core electrons 7 valence electrons.