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Arnav Singh

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2y ago
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Allene Morissette

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awsum thx!
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Kendrick Rau

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You sure?
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11y ago

20000000000000 seeds

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Q: How many cotyledons do ladyfinger seeds have?
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How many cotyledons do okra seeds have?


How many seeds in a mango?

A. There are approx. 2 cotyledons in a mango.

How many cotyledons does a balsam seed have?

It has 4 stages of life cycle.

Is cotyledons a tiny structure?

Of course cotyledons are small structures! They are "inside" seeds!

How many cotyledons wheat have?

Botanists call wheat a monocotyledon because its seeds have one leaf

What kind of produce seeds?

plants having cotyledons

What are monocot seeds?

Monocotyledon seeds are different from dicotyledon seeds in the fact that they only one cotyledon, but dicotyledon seeds have two cotyledons.

What does cotyledon provide for the growth of seeds?

the cotyledons provide food to it

What are the seeds that provide energy for young seedlings of angiosperms called?


What job does the cotyledons inside seeds do?

they provide nutrients for the germinating plant.

How many cotyledons does an avocado seed have?

how many cotyledons on avocado

How many cotyledons does a groundnut have?

2 Cotyledons