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Q: How many countries did the Shang Dynasty take over?
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When did the zhou dynasty rule over the Shang Dynasty?

It didn't because the zhou was the king of the shang dynasty

Who was leader of the shang dynasty?

The Shang Dynasty existed for over 500 years. Please see the Related Link which lists all of the leaders of the Shang Dynasty.

How did the idea of the Mandate of Heaven help the Zhou take over the Shang Dynasty?

The Zhou dynasty said the shang dynasty was fake

Who took over the shang dynasty?

The Zhou (JOH) dynasty took over after the Shang Dynsty. They did that by proclaiming that they had the Manidate of Heaven, which was a divine right to rule China.

What was an achievement of Shang Dynasty?

The Shang Dynasty was established by King Tang in 1675 BC after overthrowing the tyrannical rule of Jie, (the last emperor of the Xia Dynasty). The Shang Dynasty lasted over 600 years and was led by 30 different emperors.

How was the Shang Dynasty able to replace the xia dynasy?

The Shang threw a BIG party and then they asked the Xia to come. Eventually the Shang ended up killing the Xia. That's how the Shang took over the other dynasty.

What are some of the Zhou dynasty achievements?

One achievement the Zhou dynasty made waz taking over the Shang dynasty.

How did the Zhou take over the Shang Dynasty?

When zhou took shangs crisp's. Thats the story

Did Qin dynasty take over the Zhou dynasty?

After the Shang dynasty was actually the Zhou dynasty. The Zhou and Shang were rivalling states; the Shang dynasty at the time being the more powerful. But as the Shang became unstable, the Zhou rebelled. The slaves of the Shang king at the time took up arms against him and fought for the Zhou rebels. The emperor then committed suicide. As for the Qin dynasty; they came after the Zhou dynasty. The Zhou dynasty fell into feudaling states (as the empire was a feudalist state); a period of civil war. The Qin dynasty, under Qin Shi Huang, defeated the other states, and Shi Huang became the first Chinese emperor.

Around 1500 BCE who ruled over the Hwang-Ho River Valley?

The Shang Dynasty

UNDER WHICh empire did the mandate of heaven begin?

The Mandate of Heaven started when the Shang dynasty fell apart and the Chou dynasty took over.

When was the Chinese written language and calendar created?

Many of the current Chinese characters can be dated to the Shang Dynasty around 1500 BC. The Chinese have used several calendar types over time but the earliest can also be traced to the Shang Dynasty. The Han calendar began in 104 BC.