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Please see the link below, which should answer the question as far as Auschwitz is concerned. Most of the larger concentration camps, such as Buchenwald and Dachau, also had crematoria, but they were smaller.

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Q: How many crematoria did the Nazis have in operation?
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What did the Nazis build to make mass murder more efficient?

Gas chambers and crematoria.

What is the name of the oven that the nazis used to burn bodies?

The ovens used to burn the bodies were called crematoria.

When was the demolition of the crematoria at Auschwitz that began to hide the crimes of the Nazis?

According to the German Wikipedia, in November 1944 the SS began dismantling the crematoria in the hope of reassembling them in Mauthausen. Shortly before the arrival of the Soviet Army in Auschwitz (27 January 1945) the SS blew up the gas chambers and the remaining crematoria - and then fled.

What part of speech is crematoria?

"Crematoria" is a noun.

How was treblinka liberated or closed?

Treblinka was closed by the Nazis in November 1943. The whole camp, including the gas chambers and crematoria was destroyed and the area was grassed over. The Nazis tried to hide all traces of their activities.

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It sounds as if you are thinking of the Sonderkommandosor 'special squads' that were forced to move corpses from the gas chambers to to the crematoria.

What was the name given to the gas chambers by Nazis?

The gas chambers were given various euphemisms. Since the war they have generally been referred to by the by the building in which they were contained; the crematoria.

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When the Nazis retreated from Battle of Britain, they launched Operation Barbarossa, which was the invasion into the Soviet union.

How many could the Nazi's crematories kill at a time?

The crematoria did not kill people; people were killed in the gas chambers, then the corpses were cremated in the crematoria.

What battle liberated western Europe from the Nazis starting with the invasion of Normandy France?

Operation Overlord.

Did VW build crematoria for concentration camps?


What weapons were used during the Holocaust and why?

The only weapon really used in the Holocaust were Gas chambers using Zyklon-B rodenticide gas, (killing so many the extermination-camp crematoria had to run continually). Before this, many victims were simply shot, but the Nazis realised this was too inefficient for their mass-murder policy, and had bad psychological effects on the soldiers involved.