


Fascism is a variant of extreme corporatist nationalism headed by an authoritarian leadership and is usually classified as a far-right political theory. It originated in Italy under Mussolini and Hitlers Nazism is a variant of Fascism. Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism and militarism. Fascism views political violence, war, and imperialism positively and it asserts that stronger nations have the right to expand their territory by displacing weaker nations since the national race was in perpetual conflict with other nations and races.

1,002 Questions

Name three characteristics of fascism?

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Actually, there are 14 basic characteristics of fascism: 1. powerful expressions of nationalism 2. distain for the importance of human rights 3. identification of enemies 4. supremacy of the military 5. rampant sexism 6. controlled mass media 7. obsession with national security 8. religion and ruling elite tied together 9. protection of powerful corporations 10. power of labor suppressed 11. disdain for intellectuals and the arts 12. obsession with crime 13. rampant cronyism 14. fradulent elections Obviously, your question could take a novel to include all the factors associated with fascism.

Is there a symbol for fascism If so what is it?

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yes there is one...

a bunch of sticks..

Inside the sticks there is an axe


The actual word derives from the Latin fasces "bundle of rods containing an axe with the blade projecting" which was a symbol used by magistrates signifying power and punishment. The swastika is also taken to be symbol of Nazism and Fascism (of which Nazism is a virulent form) although the Nazis stole what was a benign symbol from Hindu and Buddhist tradition, still used today.

Was the use of propaganda the main reason why support for the nazi party grew in the years 1929-32?

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Propaganda was a significant factor in the growth of support for the Nazi Party in the years 1929-32. However, other factors such as economic hardships, political instability, and discontent with the Weimar government also played crucial roles in attracting supporters to the Nazi Party during this period. The propaganda effectively exploited these conditions to gain popular support for the party.

How Hitler is shown in Nazi propaganda?

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In Nazi propaganda, Hitler was portrayed as a strong and charismatic leader who could lead Germany to greatness. He was often depicted as a savior figure, capable of uniting the German people and achieving their collective goals. Propaganda highlighted his speeches, military prowess, and vision for a racially pure society to cultivate a cult of personality around him.

Would you capitalize the word fascist?

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Yes, the word "Fascist" is typically capitalized as it refers to a specific political ideology or system associated with Fascism.

The pros and cons of fascism?

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Pros of fascism: centralized authority can lead to efficient decision-making and implementation of policies, promoting national unity and stability. However, cons include suppression of individual freedoms, lack of political diversity, and the potential for authoritarianism to lead to abuse of power and human rights violations.

What two powers were fascist?

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Two key powers of fascist regimes were authoritarianism, where a single ruling party had absolute control over political decisions and suppression of opposition, and nationalism, promoting the idea of a powerful, superior nation often through aggressive expansionism.

What countries were under fascism?

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Officially, only Italy. Benito Mussolini's political party were the Fascists. Generally, the term has been applied to Spain under Franco, Germany under Hitler & the Nazis, and Japan under Tojo.

However, the Japanese government was the least "fascist" of the World War II Axis powers. The term was applied to the Japanese government more out of propaganda than any particular government structure or policy.

Now, the term fascist can refer to any perceived totalitarian government or oppressive regime. The term is usually applied by the oppressed, rather than the government itself. The term has been applied to many levels of government, including local school boards, state governments, and private organizations. None of those uses have been official.


What is fascism view of human nature?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fascism typically views human nature as inherently competitive, with individuals grouped in hierarchies based on strength and loyalty to the state. Fascism emphasizes the importance of obedience, discipline, and a strong leader to maintain order and unity within society. It often portrays human nature as naturally violent and in need of strict control to prevent chaos.

What ideas did most fascist share?

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Most fascists shared ideas such as extreme nationalism, authoritarian government, suppression of opposition, and the belief in the superiority of one's own race or nation. They often sought to create a totalitarian state that controlled all aspects of society and promoted militarism and expansionist policies.

What are the advantages of a fascism government?

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If you have a selfless and charismatic leader, who knows how to take care of his people and push the country foreword, fascism can be very beneficial because literally 'tons' of bureaucratic paperwork and years of arguing can be transcended when the leader says "do this". A good fascist leader must step down from his position in government and completely relinquish his power, but not before setting up a democracy with justified rules.

Pros and cons of fascism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pros: Fascism can promote unity and a strong sense of national identity, leading to social cohesion and discipline. It also emphasizes order and security, which can be appealing in times of instability.

Cons: Fascism often suppresses individual rights and freedoms, promoting authoritarianism and censorship. It can lead to oppression of minority groups and violent nationalism. The concentration of power in a single leader or party can also result in corruption and abuse of power.

What was the promise made by Benito musslin and the fascist party?

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Asked by Wiki User

to make Italy a great nation again

Explain the relationship between fascism and the holocaust?

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Asked by Minalee3699

Fascism was the ideology that played a pivotal role in the rise of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the systematic genocide carried out by the Nazis, in which approximately six million Jews were murdered, along with millions of other victims, including Romani people, disabled individuals, and political dissidents. The fascist ideology of the Nazis, characterized by extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and racial purity, laid the groundwork for the dehumanization, persecution, and ultimately the extermination of targeted groups during the Holocaust.

What does fascist intolerance towards minorities often culminate in?

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Fascist intolerance towards minorities often culminates in discrimination, segregation, and ultimately persecution. This can include systematic oppression, violence, and even genocide against targeted minority groups.

Fascism is a political ideology that became popular in certain countries following World War 1 and was a response to fear of?

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communism and economic instability. Fascism is characterized by authoritarianism, nationalism, and the suppression of political dissent. It places strict control over the economy and promotes the dominant role of a single leader or party.

Which of the following describes a similarity between fascism and communism during the 1930s?

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Both ideologies were used to support totalitarian regimes.

What was the Nazis ideology?

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A mix of Nationalism, Socialism and Social-Darwinism + the idea of a superior caucasian race.

Were there any nice Nazis?

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yes, school children had to suffer Nazi propaganda in many forms.

How did Nazis take over Germany?

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By lying and propaganda primarily. They broke up meetings of Hitler's rivals and made sure that they had the majority in their hands, not caring about anything else.

The German people were basically (and a bit indirectly) compelled to give Hitler leadership and eventually supreme leadership.

Why were the Nazis so hateful?

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they had a very (sick) belief that they where the dominant humans and that any other human was low life non important human, and so they went on a killing spree trying to take over the world.

there are three things that Hitler achieved on his mission 1-lots of BS 2- insanity 3- the right to commit suicide .

Who were the Nazis and how did they rise to power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adolf Hitler, while still in the German army, was sent to observe a meeting of the German Workers Party, a small fringe group, and report back on what he saw. He wasn't impressed by everything he saw and heard, but was moved enough to voice his own opinions, before he walked out. The next morning, Hitler found a letter in the mail from a party secretary, relating the impression he'd made on the members, and inviting him to join. After he became their leader, the party reorganized as the National Socialist German Workers Party... or Nazi Party for short.

What was Nazis cult of motherhood?

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During German fascism, the women's uterus had high value. Women were extremely valuable as they were able to create populations and the German fascist party wanted to expand their "racially inclined" people and women were the key to accomplish this.