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Q: How many crickets can you put in a cage?
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Can you keep ladybugs and crickets together or in the same cage?

you can't keep crickets in the same cage but ladybugs you can. if you don't want your crickets hoppin on your ladies. DONT PUT THEM TOGETHER No ,crickets cant live in the same cage cause they will mate and there will be something called a crick bug,or a lady crick.

Would Crickets hurt your Bearded drangon?

no. but if there are far to many crickets in the cage it will hurt it.

What to put in a toad's cage?

Put branches in there, and make sure the cage is moist. It is optional to fill the cage (shallow) with lukewarm water. If you decide not to fill the cage (shallow) with lukewarm water, then take a small dish and fill it with lukewarm water. Then put a small food dish inside for bugs/mealworms/crickets. (the crickets will usually hop out anyways, but mealworms and pellets won't!)

What do I do I put crickets in for my snake and a cricket ate part of my snakes tail what do I do with the snake?

Leave it alone, the tail will heal. Crickets need to have food in the cage, even if they are the prey. So put a little carrot in the cage or something so it won't continue to eat your snake.

How do you care for a praying mantis?

You can keep it in a cage, just make sure it has air, also, you can buy crickets and stuff in pet stores (it's easier then catching them) just put the crickets in the cage, when it's reflexes are slow, it's hungry.

How do you feed iguanas?

Usually you just put live meal worms or crickets in his food dish, or around the cage or tank.

What do you put the crickets in for bearded dragons?

I had a tarantula and fed her live crickets so I kept them in a aquarium with a small dish of water, heat lamp or pad, and threw in oat meal to feed them. Put in a bit of potting soil in the bottom and they will be very happy.

What do you do if you have crickets in the house?

The problem will probably solve itself because the lizard will eat them. You should prevent small crickets to leave the cage by closing small openings in the cage, to prevent the crickets infesting your kitchen.

What will baby green anoles eat?

you should feed it crickets or you could ask on google....

How do you care for bearded dragons?

Its pretty simple you have to feed them everyday have to give them lettuce and you can give them crickets ,meal worm's.You need to put new sand in their cage every 2 months.

How do you look after a tranachala?

Get a cage that is specifically made for tarantulas and feed it 2 crickets every 6 hours. Do not put two tarantulas in the same area because they will become competitive and fight.

How many dwarf hamsters can you keep in one cage?

Id put two depending on the size of your cage