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Female panthers are usually 1 ½ to 2 years old when they first give birth. There are usually two to four cubs born at a time. Panther cubs live with their mother for 1 ½ years. While the cubs are with their mother, they travel in the mother's home range. When the panthers grow up, their ranges are often similar to their mother's. Mothers will do anything to protect their cubs. But after the cubs grow up, they live on their own until they mate.

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9y ago
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8y ago

Panther is a generic term and does not apply to a single species. It may refer toa lion - panthera leo

a tiger - panthera tigris

a leopard - pantera pardus

a jaguar - panthera onca

a snow leopard - panthera uncia

To which species of panther were you referring?

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7y ago

Panther is a generic term and does not apply to a single species. It may refer toa lion - panthera leo

a tiger - panthera tigris

a leopard - panthera pardus

a jaguar - panthera onca

a snow leopard - panthera uncia

To which species of panther were you referring?

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6y ago

A Black Panthers litter consists of up to mainly 2 to 3 babies or up to six.

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13y ago

Usually, with animals, there isn't a limited amount of children they can have. Though im not so sure about panthers!!!

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13y ago

black panthers usually have two or three baby cubs and female panthers don't get pregnant more than twice

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15y ago

The average litter of leopards and jaguars is two to four. The Black Panther is only a black version of either of these two cats.

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Q: How many cubs can a black panther have in a litter?
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How many cubs do black panthers have at a time?

A 'typical' litter for most of the big cats is three or four - although there are exeptions.

How many babies can black panthers have?

None, Panthers are cats and cats have kittens or cubs not babies (which are human infants). Typically, a litter consists of two to three cubs but, sometimes, up to six.

How many babies can a black panthers have?

None, Panthers are cats and cats have kittens or cubs not babies (which are human infants). Typically, a litter consists of two to three cubs but, sometimes, up to six.