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Q: How many days after a lip has been sutured should the sutures be removed?
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What are suture lines?

A suture is the name given to the stitches used to close a wound or during an operation. The suture lines are the line of sutures used that remain visible even after the sutures have been removed.

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After the cord and testicle have been removed, the surgeon washes the area with saline solution and closes the various layers of tissues and skin with various types of sutures. The wound is then covered with sterile gauze and bandaged.

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Unless they have been removed from the site, they should be there.

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Until the stitches have been removed.

Can you wax your legs after orthopedic surgery?

Yes, you can wax your legs after surgery, provided all the sutures have been removed and there is no wound in the area to be waxed. However, in the pre-op care, you will be shaved as per the protocol. So relax. Your legs will be as silky as they are now after the surgery.

Are cat guts used for stitches?

No, catgut sutures (as well as instrument strings) are made from fibers in sheep, cattle or goat intestines. They have never been made from cats. Most sutures today are cotton or synthetic.

Why should you wait 90 days for intercourse after IUD is removed?

You have been misinformed. There is no need to wait 90 days for intercourse after the IUD is removed.

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As uterus and cervix have been removed then there should be no bleeding.

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They should eventually be removed from the cage or the birds will continue to incubate the unfertillized eggs.

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Traditionally, hats should not be worn indoors. It has been perceived as something to do with respect..