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id say a week because i just had mine pulled and i asked my dentist and he said i should be good to go so its nothing to really worry about i wouldn't advise smoking until at least 5-6 days after but i think with smoking you should wait at least a full two weeks just to be safe.

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13y ago

It depends how many packs of skoal you have chewed in the last two weeks. Also how many Nascar races you have attended.

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2 days

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Q: How many days after getting wisdom teeth pulled can you drink beer?
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Ask your dentist, but usually not because liquor can thin the blood.

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you probly can but for me personally i wouldnt could there could be a inncedient

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u got your wisdom teeth pulled out dummy

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I find the fastest way is just to sleep it off.

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they are slimy because you are a complete idiot

Is it OK to get braces if your wisdom teeth may come in soon?

I don't know if it's OK. I have braces myself and my wisdom teeth are coming in right now. Unfortunatly, I have to get them pulled, if anything that's what would happen. You should wait until the wisdom teeth come in, and then get them pulled, because the metal bands may not fit around the wisdom teeth, and most people have more comfort when their wisdom teeth are pulled. I have braces and my wisdom teeth came through and my otho hasn't done anything to them.