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Q: How many days in year until November 21?
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How many days does November have in the year of 2011?

November always has 30 days.

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November of any year has 30 days.

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There are always 30 days in November, regardless of the year.

How many days is it from November to March?

From the 30th of November to the 1st of March is normally 91 days. If the March is in a leap year, then it is 92 days.

How many days are between November 15th and March 28th in a leap year?

There are 134 days between the 15th of November of one year and the 28th of March of the following year, when that following year is a leap year.

How many days until Breaking Dawn?

Breaking Dawn is already out and has been released Lies! The movie comes out November 18th of this year. November 16, 2012. is when part 2 comes out

How many more days until New Year's Eve?

From today, it's two more days until New Year's Eve.

How many days from 16 of November to 13 March?

117 days, or 118 days when the March is in a leap year.

How many days are there in November?

There are always 30 days in November, no matter if it is a leap year or not (the only month that changes on a leap year is February)If you find it hard to remember just think:30 days has September, April June and November (I'm sure you know the rhyme...)There are 30 days in November.

How many days are between November 26 and June 30th?

Between the 26th of November in one year and the 30th of June in the next year is 216 days, when the June is in a normal year and 217 when the June is in a leap year.

How many days in the last three month of the year.?

The last three months of the year are October, November and December. October and December have 31 days each, and November has 30, so in total they have 92 days.

How many weeks are left in the year on November 19?

There are 6 weeks left following November 19. There are 11 days in November and 31 days in December, which is 42 days. divided by 7 is 6 weeks.