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Q: How many days of travels?
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A car travels 625 km in 12 days how many in 24 days?

Assuming it was going at the same rate, then the answer is 1250 days.

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Odysseus travels for 20 days before reaching the land of the Phaeacians.

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There is a cruse that travels from norfolk VA to Bermuda in 6 days

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Why sound travels easily in rainy day

How many days does earth travels from the sun?

It doesn't travel from it it orbits around it. A mean distance of about 93 million miles and a period of approximately 365.25 days.

An employee travels 26 miles round trip from his home to work If he works 5 days a week how many miles does he travel in a week?

The employee travels 26 miles in one day. Since the employee travels for five days each week, he travels 26*5, or 130 miles in one week.(This only considers the miles traveled to and from work, since no information is given about any other travel.)

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How far does a car travel in 8 days if it travels 210 miles in 5 days at the same rate?

If it travels 210 miles in 5 days it travels 210 divided by 5 miles in one day. 210 / 5 = 42 miles per day So in 8 days it goes 42 miles times 8 42 * 8 = 336 miles

How many travels have Taylor Swift went?

a lot of travels

Is their a doctor that travels?

The Doctor travels in his tardis to many places.

A car travels 692km in 12 days At this rate How far would it travel in 24 days?

it would travel 1,384km in 24 days