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Obviously as soon as possible. But I've smoked the day of a test with one of the more expensive Xerox drinks on 3 different occasions. I've passed twice. Talk to an employee at the head shop. But if you tell them you need to pass a drug test the cannot legally sell it to you. Tell them that you need to detoxify with "x" many days, and find what works for you.

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Q: How many days should one stop smoking weed before using the stuff detox drink?
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i smoke daily and passed with optimal kleen detox drink and never stoped smoking.

How long should you stop using drugs before trying to use total assure detox drink to pass a drug test?

One year, it is the only way to be clean for a drug test, detox drink does not work.

Does Omni detox pill work if you smoked the day before the test?

YES...u can pass it 4 hours after smoking..i take the pill and the drink it has just for assurance..random drug test never know when they come

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What are the guidelines for lemon detox diets?

You should be on the cleanse for at least five days not to exceed fourteen days. You need to drink six to nine glasses of the Lemon Detox drink a day. The sea salt drink in the morning and the laxative senna tea at night with one to two liters of water through out the day. Do not exercise or eat any meals or snacks while doing the detox. And if you have health ailments you should not do this detox.

What is the purpose of doing a colon detox?

The purpose of doing a colon detox is to get ready for a colonoscopy. You drink a mixture of fluids and it cleans out your colon the day before the procedure.

When do you drink a detox drink?

I just passed an opiate test 30 hrs after my last use... drank 2 assure detox drinks today and drank about 2 gallons of water. don't know if all the water was necessary to pass but it definitely was to make my urine appear normal and not fluorescent green/yellow.

Can you refrigerate detox drink?

No, you can not!!

Is there anything that can detox your body in one day?

There are a variety of things you can do detox or cleanse the body many people will fast for a day or part of the day , drink lots of water , and drink smoothies made with raw fruits and veggies. Consult your health care professional before attempting a detox or diet plan.

After detox is it possible to have an occasional drink?


Took oc80 Wednesday and Thursday drank a detox drink Friday morning and another detox drink Monday morning before the drug test will I pass the drug test if i have a fast metabolism?

well prolly but really all you need is ten azo

How soon do you drink water after you drink vale detox?

2 hours