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Food will only last a few days in the refrigerator. Most foods will last about 5 days in the refrigerator if the food is stored properly. Place the food in an air tight container for the best results. You can transfer the food to the freezer if longer storage is needed.

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13y ago

It all depends on what type of food it is. There should normally be a best before date on the back of the pack.

Frozen foods can be kept for 1 month to three years.

Refrigerated foods may be good for as little as one week.

Canned foods can be good for 3+ years.*

See the related link for a food storage chart.

*Canned military C-rations have lasted in an edible condition for as long as 15 years.

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7y ago

Usually 7 days is a good limit. Restaurants must mark the 'open date' on edible foods once opened.

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