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The International Date Line is nominally the line of 180 degrees longitude, both east and west ... exactly opposite the Prime Meridian and half-the-earth away from it. The Line was drawn with some jogs and zig-zags in it for political reasons, mainly to avoid having it split island nations or contiguous areas of national interest.

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10y ago

The longitude of every point on the Prime Meridian is Zero, and there is a point

on the Prime Meridian at every possible latitude, everything from 90° South to

90° North. There are an infinite number of them.

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Is there a unit of measurement that begins with R?

A unit of measurement beginning with the letter R in mathematics is the Radian. This is a form of angular measurement where an angle of 1 Radian results in an arc length of a circle equal to the radius of the circle. Please see related links for a diagrammatic example. 1 Radian is exactly equal to 180/pi degrees or approx. 57.2 degrees. Another unit which begins with the letter R is the Röntgen which was a unit of measurement for ionizing radiation. However it is no longer used in the SI system being replaced with charge per unit mass (C/kg). Please see the related links.

What are the two units that measure angular speed?

Two common measures are revolutions per minute, and radians per second. One revolution is 2pi radians. Radians are preferred in science because the radian (57.296 degrees) is the natural measure of angles, because d/dx sin(x) = cos (x) only if x is measured in radians.

What is its SI unit of angular velocity?

Particle displacement is a measurement of distance of the movement of a particle in a medium as it transmits a wave. Distance is measured in meters.

What is a unit of measurement used in a workshop and how would it affect work output?

Hundreds of measuring units are used in workshops. Examples: volt, ampere, kilogram, centimetre, litre, hertz, centipoise, millimetre, radian etc.

What is the angular velocity of the diurnal cycle?

The earth completes one axial rotation every 23hours 56minutes 4seconds. (rounded)Just to reduce our sweat without affecting the answer by much, let's call it 24 hours.We can massage it to yield:1 rev per day = 15 degrees per hour = 0.25 degree per minute= 2 pi radians / 24 hours = pi radians per 12 hours= 0.2618 radian per hour= 4.363 milliradians per minute