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Q: How many degrees did temperature drop -3 degrees f to -18 degrees f?
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It is 54 degrees outside the temperature drops 18 degrees what will the temperature outside?

Still 54 degrees if the 18 degree drop is inside!

How many degrees would the temperature have to rise from a negative seven degrees Celsius to reach eleven degrees Celsius?

It would have to rise 18 degrees Celsius.

How hot do corn snakes have to be?

They need a daytime temperature of around 26-28 Celsius by day, with a drop down to 18-20 degrees at night.

Which temperature is the coldest 19 degrees 18 or 11?

11 degrees.

What temperature is a freezer in degrees celsius?


What temperature is it in Bulgaria?

The temperature in Bulgaria is constant! 18 degrees Celsius!

What is the average temperature in a tundra?

the average temperature for the Arctic tundra is -18 degrees F (-28 degrees C)

What is the average temperature of Newcastle?

18 degrees C - 27 degrees C

-18 Celsius equals how many degrees Fahrenheit?

18 degrees Celsius = 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit To get an answer to this sort of temperature conversion requirement go to the link below. It is quicker than asking the question here.

What is the highest average temperature in the tundra?

The average temperature is about -18 degrees Fahrenheit

What temperature should your bedroom be?

your bedroom temperature should be 18 19 degrees

What is a comfortable workshop temperature?

18 degrees C