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Zero Celsius

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Q: How many degrees is water freezing in Celsius?
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How many degrees Celsius is considered freezing?

0 degrees Celsius is freezing, but really water freezes at just BELOW that temperature.

0degrees celsius is how many degrees Fahrenheit?

32-degrees Fahrenheit. 0-Celsius is the freezing point of water, as is 32-degrees Fahrenheit

How many Celsius degrees are there between the freezing point and the boiling point of water'?

100 degrees

How many Celsius does it have to be so that the water can freeze?

The freezing point of water is defined to be zero degrees Celsius.

-3 degrees is how many degrees below freezing?

In Fahrenheit: 35 degrees below freezingIn Celsius, 3 degrees below freezing.(In both cases, we're using "freezing" to meanthe freezing temperature of water.)

How many degrees below freezing is minus 16 degrees celsius?

-16 degrees Celsius is 28.8 degrees below freezing (3.2 degrees Fahrenheit).

On the celsius temperature scale how many degrees are between freezing and the boiling point of water?

Freezing = 0 Boiling = 100

The centigrade scale for measuring temperature is based on how many degrees?

The Celsius scale is 0 degrees Celsius as the freezing point of water and 100 degrees Celsius is the boiling of water. Don't use the old word "centigrade".

How many degrees below freezing is 20 degrees F?

20° F is 12 Fahrenheit degrees and (6 and 2/3) Celsius degrees colder than the freezing point of water.

How many degrees below freezing is - 40?

-40 is already below freezing since water freezes at 32 Fahrenheit or 0 Celsius

How many degrees are there between the melting point of ice and boiling point of water?

The ice point and steam point that you refer to are called the boiling and freezing point. Each substance has a different boiling and freezing point, though for water it is 0 degrees Celsius is freezing and 100 degrees Celsius is boiling. Or if you use Fahrenheit, it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit for freezing and 212 degrees Fahrenheit for boiling. So depending on what system of measurement you use for temperature, the number of degrees separating the boiling and freezing points of water can be 100 degrees for Celsius or 180 degrees for Fahrenheit.

How many degrees is kelvin and Celsius from freezing and boiling?

Converting degrees Celsius to Kelvin involves adding 273.15 to the temperature in Celsius. So the freezing temperature is 273.15 K, and boiling is 373.15 K.