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50000000000 kalvin

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Q: How many degrees kelvin is the sun's core?
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Related questions

What happened when the suns core got to 1 million degrees?

Nothing, it just got a little hotter. For nuclear fusion to occur it had to reach 10 million degrees kelvin.

Is the suns average surface temperature 570?

No, you need another 0 on the end. The surface temperature of our sun is around 5500 to 6000 degrees Kelvin, about the same in °C. The inner core temperature is around 14.5 million degrees Kelvin.

What is the temperature of the suns surface in kalvin?

Its about 5670.16 degrees kelvin

Which is the innermost layer of the sun?

The suns core is the innermost portion or the photosphere of the sun. It's the hottest layer and under the highest pressure, enabling nuclear fusion to take place, which produces the energy. The suns core temperature is estimated to be around 13.6 million degrees Kelvin.

What are some facts about temperatures?

The suns core is 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the temperature of the suns radiation zone?

The suns convection zone is 2 million degrees kelvin, unlike the radiartion which is 5 million degrees.

If the suns core was 3000 degrees how hot is the whole sun?

15 million c

What is the suns core responsible for doing?

The sun's core is responsible for converting hydrogen into helium.... This process occurs at MILLIONS of degrees.

At 15.6 million degrees Celsius the temperature of the suns core is high enough for nuclear to occur?


How hot is the suns core tempurture?

27 MILLION degrees Farenheight way way way hotter than Venus's surface and Earth's CORE!

How many kilometers thick is the suns core?

15 km

At 15.6 million degrees Celsius the temperature of the Suns core is high enough for nuclear what to occur?

For nuclear fusion.