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15y ago

same as the Catholic one, leaving out the Apochraphy (is that how you spell it?)

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How many authors does the bible have?


Who wrote the Holy Bible?

The Bible is a collection of stories by many authors.

How many human authors did God use to write the Bible?

God used forty human authors to write the Bible.

How many female authors in the Bible are there?

There is not even one female author in the Bible.

What version of the Bible is used in protestant churches?

There are many Protestant translations, but the most common are the NIV and the KJV.

What is the name of the Catholic Bible?

The Protestant Bible has no specific name associated with it, other than "the Bible" or "the Holy Bible." The distinction is usually in the content; the Protestant Bible omits the Apocrypha and the Deuterocanonical books usually included in Roman Catholic texts. Both Catholic and Protestant Bibles come in a wide variety of translations.

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Many of the authors of parts of the bible are unknown. Therefore their occupations are not known.

How many different authors of the Bible are there?

there re many authors but most importantly that GOD inspiired them to wirte it and each was at diff point of views

How many books are in the modern Bible?

The Protestant has 66 books while the Catholic has 73. The Hebrew Bible has 39.

How many books are in each testament in the Protestant Bible?

There are 27 books in the new testament/christian testament

How many books are the in the holy bible?

There are 66 books in the bible. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. 66 for the Protestant Bible. 73 for the Catholic Bible.

Are there any authors who have released books providing their personal commentary on the Bible?

There are many authors who have released books providing their personal commentary on the Bible. Notable names include Oral Roberts and Warren Wiersbe.