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Abbie Hyatt

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Q: How many different d orbitals are within the 3d sublevels?
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How many total orbitals are within the 3s 3p and 3d sublevels of the third energy?


How many orbitals are within the 2s and 2p sublevels of the second energy level?

4 (apex lol)

How many orbitals are within 3s 3p and 3d sub levels of the third energy levels?

There are one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d sublevels.

How many orbitals are in the following sublevel 4s sublevel?

All p sublevels contain three orbitals, including the 4p sublevel.

How many total orbitals are within the 3s 3p and 3d sub levels of the third energy level?

There are one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d sublevels.

How many orbitals are there for each level and the number of electrons?

1st energy has 1 sublevel -- 1 orbital -- 2 electrons 2nd energy level has 2 sublevels -- 4 orbitals -- 8 e- 3rd energy level has 3 sublevels -- 9 orbitals -- 18 e- 4th energy level has 4 sublevels -- 16 orbitals -- 32 e- Notice the pattern? number of orbitals = energy level squared Number of electrons = 2x number of orbitals

How many different orbitals are within the 3d sublevel?


How many sublevels would you expect in the 8th energy level?

There are 8 sublevels, or types of orbitals in the 8th energy level. They would be s, p, d,f, g, h, i,j.

How many energy sublevels are in fourth energy level?

There are four energy sublevels in the fourth energy levels: 4s, 4p, 4d, and 4f.

How many sublevels are used with elements on the periodic table in energy level 6?

There are five sublevels in the fifth energy level: 5s, 5p, 5d, 5f, and 5g.

How many total orbitals are within the 3s 3p and 3d sublevels of the third energy level?

There are 2, 6 and 10 electrons in the 3s (1 suborbital), 3p (with 3 suborbitals: 3px, 3py, 3pz) and 5 sub orbitals in the 3d orbital: this makes a total of 18 electrons in 9 suborbitals

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