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Four general types: Hay, grass, grain and silage.

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Q: How many different kind of food do cows eat?
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How should food be presented to a cow?

It should be served in a huge trough with many different types of food in it, like a buffet for cows.

What kind of food does Guatemala have?

Guatemala has many different kinds of spanish cultured food. Including bananas, different kinds of rice and pasta, and also many vegetables.

How many kind of flavors do Mexican food have?

Mexican food has many different flavors! theres salty,spicey,sweet,tangy,and so many others! there are alot of different varieties.

What type of food did Alabama grow?

From my knowledge, they grow many different kind of fruits.

How many cows die in a month?

Okay no offence but what kind of question is that?!

Do cows regurgitate food?

Yes, to be rechewed as cud.

What kind of Chinese food does Johnny Depp like?

He likes many different Chinese dishes.

What kind of products can you make from a cow?

There are many different products; cows produce milk and beef. Their skins are used for leather.

Why did Sam advise Tim to slaughter the cows?

There are many different reasons why. The cows could've been old and no longer productive in producing a milk or a calf, Sam and Tim were low on meat and needed food, so the cows were the only source of meat that they had, or Sam and Tim where going to move away and couldn't bring the cows along, but needed meat for their journey.

What are the type of cowshed?

There are many kinds of cowsheds for all different kinds of cows. There are sheds for milking cows, for calves to drink milk, for pregnant cows, for quarantined cows, for multiple breeds to live together, for abandoned cows, for male cows, and much more.

Does cows milk change colour when the cows are fed carrots?

It can, yes. It's just like when a baby is fed too much carrot baby food their skin turns a kind of yellow. Carrots contain carotene, and if cows are fed too many carrots it can affect the colour (and even possibly the taste) of the milk, turning it into a yellowish tinge.

What kind of livestock is raised in Brazil?

Some of the animals that are raised in Brazil include pigs, chickens, and sheep. Other livestock include many different types of cows, including zebu and Angus.