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two diploid cells from each parent

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Q: How many different kinds of cells are produced at the end of a single mitotic division?
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Which types of cells are created by mitosis?

Somatic cells are produced from mitosis. Gametes are produced from meiosis.

When does the first mitotic division occur in zygotes?

You remain as a single cell for about 1/2 hour

What name is given to the proccess by which an organism develops form a single cell into many kinds of cells?

Mitotic cell division

What is the result when a single cell reproduces by mitosis?

Remain as single cells the organisms simply multiplied

How do paramecuim grow?

Paramecium reproduce by mitotic division. It increases in size until it has sufficient energy and volume to divide. It does this by consuming other small single celled animals.

Mitosis results in the formation of how many cells?

Two identical daughters cells are produced from a single parent cell due to mitosis. i guess he answered it for ya xD

What is the type of cell division that occurs in reproductive cells and has to division?

Meiosis occurs in reproductive cells and is called reduction division because of presence of single set of chromosomes. It results in the formation of four daughter cells. Meiosis is a source of new genetic variation.

What process produces genetically identical organisms?

copy genetic material to produce an identical cell

How many cells are in the human body at birth?

As HUMANS, stem cells as they develop into our own specialised cells, as all animals start off as a fertilised egg, and it is our genetics that transform our stem cells into the many different specialised cells we need as humans.

What mitotic structures are present both in plant and animal cells?

All multicellular plants and animals, as well as fungi and protists, use mitotic cell division to develop from single cell organisms into organisms containing billions of cells. Mitosis continues in full-grown organisms replacing dying or repairing damaged cells. Throughout the human body, an estimated 25 million mitotic cell divisions occur every second in order to replace cells that have completed their normal life cycles. Some multicellular organisms rely on mitosis for asexual reproduction, and it is the only reproduction method used by many single-celled organisms.

What phase of mitosis are mitochondria made?

It all depends on which organism you are talking about and there is no set phase.In many single-celled eukaryotes, their growth and division is linked to the cell cycle.In single cell algae. the only chloroplast and then the only mitochondrion divide before the nucleus undergoes mitosis and before cytokinesis.In other eukaryotes (in mammals for example), mitochondria may replicate their DNA and divide mainly in response to the energy needs of the cell, rather than in phase with the cell cycle. If it does replicate with the cell cycle, it can occur during the S phase of the mitotic cycle and even through out the mitotic cycle.It all depends on which organism you are talking about and there is no set phase.In many single-celled eukaryotes, their growth and division is linked to the cell cycle.In single cell algae. the only chloroplast and then the only mitochondrion divide before the nucleus undergoes mitosis and before cytokinesis.In other eukaryotes (in mammals for example), mitochondria may replicate their DNA and divide mainly in response to the energy needs of the cell, rather than in phase with the cell cycle. If it does replicate with the cell cycle, it can occur during the S phase of the mitotic cycle and even through out the mitotic cycle.