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250000 thousand type of ligers

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Q: How many different types of ligers are there?
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Related questions

How are ligers like their parents?

they are not. ligers are much different from their parents in many different ways one being the size and another BLA BLA BLA BLA

Are there different kinds of Ligers?

yes there are

Why isn't there many ligers?

ligers are a hybrid animal,bred in captivity.

Where would you go to see ligers?

Many zoo's in the US have been known for having Ligers.

How many ligers are there in the wolrd?


How many ligers are there?

It is unknown how many ligers exist today. These animals only occur in captivity and estimates range from between 10 and 100.

There are many different types of paragraphs why are so many different types needed?

There are so many different types because they are all used for different purposes in different situations.

How many ligers are there in the world?

70 to 100

How many ligers are there left in the world?


How many ligers live in the world?


How many types of electrodes?

there are many different types

Why are there many different types of scientists?

There are many different types of scientists because one person could not handle all the information of geology, astrology, and other types of science. Since there are numerous types of sciences, there has to be many different types of scientists, so there are many different scientists because there are many different sciences.