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since decoto dragons are still alive I think there are still a type of monster living right now on earth.

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Q: How many dinosaurs live on this planet right now?
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Did dinosaurs live Cenozoic era?

The general answer would be no, dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic. However, many scientists believe that modern birds, which have lived throughout the Cenozoic, are dinosaurs.

Where are dinosaurs now?

All around us. Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs and share many characteristics with their ancestors including feathers. As for the rest of the dinosaurs 99% of all species that have lived on this planet have died out or evolved into something else. There is no reason dinosaurs should be any different.

Can a reptile live on land?

Yes - many dinosaurs lived on land, for example.

Is there evidence that dinosaurs really did live?

Yes there is evidence of Mesozoic dinosaurs in the form of fossilised bones of hundreds of clades, ranging from embryos to adult, eggs, coprolites and trackways. There are dinosaurs living today, the birds which are theropod dinosaurs. There is overwhelming evidence that birds derived from dinosaurs. There are now many fossils that show many types dinosaurs had feathers.

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bad because our own planet earth has many problems.

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Mercury is closest to the sun. There are so many rocks ,we can't live in that planet.

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About 3,635,000,000 women live in the world.