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The two disciples Matthew and John wrote Gospels about Jesus' life. Many also believe that Peter was an important source for the Gospel of Mark.

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Q: How many disciples were used to write the Gospel stories of Jesus' life?
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Why did the other disciples of Jesus not write their gospel accounts of what Jesus did in their presence?

A:Over time, many of the disciples of Jesus were attributed gospels describing events associated with Jesus, either written anonymously or pseudepigraphically. The gospels that we know about included: Gospel of JamesThe Gospel of JohnGospel of JudasThe Gospel of LukeThe Gospel of MarkThe Gospel of MatthewThe Gospel of PeterThe Gospel of PhilipThe Gospel of ThomasIt is well established that none of the disciples actually wrote an eyewitness account, but many of the disciples were honoured with gospels in their names, including Matthew and John and several others.

What the job of Mark as the disciples of Jesus?

Mark was never a disciple of jesus christ .He wrote the gospel of Mark. he did not write the book of act.

When did the disciples write the accounts of Jesus' resurrection?

Mark is generally taken to be the oldest Gospel. It was probably written before AD 70.

Why did only a certain amount of disciples write books in the Bible?

A disciple is someone who spreads the gospel. Or is a follower of Jesus. So the answer is yes only a few wrote the new testament. But we as christians are all suppoed to be disciples.

Did Jesus really write the bible?

Jesus didn't write anything to do with the bible.....his stories were said orally then one day john decided to write how he died and then Matthew mark and luke......they wrote the stories from stories they were told so Jesus didn't wirte any of the bible he merly just explain the stories so future people could write it :)

Luke a Greek name but was he Jewish?

Luke the writer of the Gospel was actually a Greek-speaking Syrian. The original disciples were Jewish. They did not write the Gospels, although two of them (John and Matthew) shared names with men who would later write about the life of Jesus (writing in Greek).

Did Philip write a book that is in the Bible?

No, There is nothing written by Philip in the Bible Answer/ In the bible (collection) of Scripture - yes, he wrote the Gospel of Philip. He was designated as one of the disciples that recorded the words of Jesus Christ - see Pistis Sophia - hence his gospel was written in a condensed format, as his practice was to record at the time of discourse.

What disciple didn't get murdered?

Although several of the disciples we know were executed, the fate of some of them is unknown. However, we do know that John, the disciple who was Jesus' closest friend, was not executed but lived to an old age - old enough to write his gospel when he was very elderly.

Which gospel write was the first of the evangelists and wrote the gospel in Hebrew?

The wording of your question is somewhat confusing. Perhaps this answer will suffice: Matthew and John were among Jesus' original "chosen twelve," so, of the gospel writers, they would have been the first to evangelize when Jesus sent the disciples out under the "limited commission" (see Matthew chapter 10, beginning with verse 5). However, none of the gospels were written in Hebrew. The original language of all the gospels is Greek.

What were jesus' disciples jobs?

The disciples followed Jesus, helping and learning from him. Good answer but if the person who posted the question is referring to the original twelve apostles/disciples than they were charged with spreading the gospel to every nation and leading the early church.

Who wrote the gospel of revelation?

The disciple John as an older man and Jesus in heaven (he would have told John what to write).

Didnt the other disciples write gospels?

The four Gospels in the New Testament were traditionally attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Other disciples may have contributed to the teachings and stories that were eventually compiled into the New Testament, but these four are the most well-known and widely accepted as the authors of the Gospels.