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Q: How many drafts did Jefferson write?
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How many drafts did the declaration of independence have?

There were six drafts. Jefferson, Adams, and Jay had to make six revisions before it was accepted by Congress.

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Louis sachar wrote 29293993839292929191 drafts of books

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How many drafts did Louis sancher write before holes was completed?

Louis Sachar wrote over 20 drafts before completing "Holes."

How many drafts does Louis Sachar write?

Louis Sachar typically writes multiple drafts of his novels before finalizing them. He has mentioned in interviews that he revises his work extensively, sometimes going through 10 or more drafts to perfect the story.

How many drafts does mike lupica write?

Mike Lupica typically writes multiple drafts of a novel before finalizing it. The number of drafts can vary depending on the project, but it's common for authors to go through several rounds of editing and revision before reaching the final version of their work.

How many drafts of a book does an author write?

As many as it takes.You always write one crappy copy - that's called your first draft, and it's called first because it's not the only one you write. A good author keeps editing and revising until the book is as perfect as they an make it, and that can take several drafts. Many authors don't even start to think they're finished until the third draft.

How many times does an author have to write a rough draft before the book is satisfactory?

it depens on how many mistaks you make but in the ordinary abot 2 rough drafts

Who was selected to write the declaration of the independence?

Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the Declaration Of Independence

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How many drafts does it take for Louis Sachar to complete a book?

hi 5 or 6 drafts hope it helps :p

Which delegate was chosen to write the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson