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it depends on the person, some people have several dreams every night.

Sleep studies have demonstrated that everyone dreams every night. While there is variation among individuals, the typical sleep cycle averages about 90 - 120 minutes. Dream duration also varies widely, from a few seconds to 20 minutes or longer. Because one dream can blend into the next without any distinct beginning or end, defining the length of dreaming is often meaningless. See the Wikipedia article linked below for further information.

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Q: How many dreams do you have a night and how long do they last?
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How many dreams does a person have per night?

You have approximately 4 to 6 dreams per night during a stage in sleep called REM (Rapid Eye movement). REM stages and the length of dreams early during sleep can last from 5 to 10 minutes. Stages later during the night can last for half an hour or more.To try to remember some of your dreams, set a timer to wake you up every 90 minutes. Waking up every 90 minutes will give you a better chance at remembering dreams that would otherwise go forgotten.

Do you have 1000 dreams a night?

That many dreams per night is very unlikely. Your sleep goes through cycles that may last from a few minutes to more than an hour, with wide variations among different individuals. In each cycle, you might have one continuous dream or a series of shorter dreams, so each night you might have anywhere from handful to several dozen dreams, most of which will not be remembered. See the Wikipedia article below for more technical information about the stages of sleep.

What a dream of a dog eating a snake mean?

Dreams are meaningless. They are simply random images conjured up by the brain, while the body repairs itself during sleep. We apparently have many dreams through the night, but we only remember the last one just before waking.

How come you can remember what happened years ago but not your dream last night?

Your memories of events in the past have been refreshed many times, including unconcious 'improvements'. Your last night's dream however is rather more ephemeral. But having pencil and pad at hand on which to record dreams immediately upon waking is a common trick to preserve dreams. And one adult (?) method of problem solving consists of concentrating on a current problem whilst falling asleep, and producing a solution during the dreams. Some famous inventions have resulted from this methd!

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Last Night in Twisted River has 576 pages.

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I have many vivid dreams at night, but not so vivid during the day.

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The Long Night of the Grave has 187 pages.

How many dreams does the average person dream in a life time?

1,500 dreams per year is the average 1,500 dreams per year is the average

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Nocturnal emissions or 'wet dreams' happen quite often and you are unaware of it.

Can you last all night?

Most of us have already lasted many nights, so yes people can last all night

What can cause vivid dreams and sleeplessness?

There are many factors that can cause vivid dreams and sleeplessness. To begin with, poor quality sleep with frequent awakenings during the night can cause you to remember more dreams than you normally would. Most random, meaningless dreams are forgotten long before you awaken, so restless sleep would seem to result in many vivid dreams. Other possible causes include a number of different prescription and over-the-counter medications; your pharmacist is your best source of information about specific drugs you take. Another possibility would be caffeinated drinks including coffee, tea, sodas and energy drinks which are very high in caffeine. Alcohol also can disrupt sleep and result in vivid dreams. Finally, restless sleep and vivid dreams are very common in the last trimester of pregnancy.

How long is a 271 mile drive?

It is exactly 271 miles long. Distance cannot be expressed in time. If it could, then you'd be able to figure out how many minutes high your house is, and how many miles of sleep you had last night.